Information & Details
Tell us about yourself
Business name
Email Address
Ad Account ID
Daily Budget
Monthly Budget
Provide a Google Drive link with existing creatives(include logo files, plus any image/video you think will be helpful - the more the better)
Understanding your business
Help us understand your business
What search keywords relate to your business
Three chief selling points for your products
Your top 3 best-sellers
Provide discount code: -10%, -20% etc.
Customer lists
You should be able to use your active CRM to export this data. If you have a separate list of purchasers then please include it.
Provide any Customer list/Subscriber lists/Buyer-specific list(Excel doc or CSV)
Choose File
No file chosen
Delete uploaded file
Ideal Customer
Let`s learn more about your ideal cusomer. Who typically buys your products?
Target audience age
Target audience gender
What trends are relevant to this audience?
What do these people truly desire?
Have you ever noticed patterns in your customers previously? If so what are they?
URL Master Link
This will help us save time and avoid an inefficient onboarding process. (Include Facebook/Instagram/Youtube Links if you have one)
Provide a list of important URLs that you believe we will need
Logins & Passwords
Enter any logins & passwords in the space below
Enter any logins & passwords in the space below
Slack emails
Please enter the email you will be using for Slack so I can invite you to our privet channel. If you`d like anyone else in the chat, please add there emails here too.
Enter Slack Emails
Preferences and final details
The finishing touches
Provide any branding guidelines or preferences that you would like us to follow
Is there any further information that you want to share with us regarding your business?
Is there anything that you believe will help us in our marketing efforts?
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