Brand design
You are probably familiar with these terms. They are often put together under the common denominator in the word “branding”, but this is not entirely correct.

Laying foundations and stages of development
Branding is a set of many touch points that visually, verbally and strategically shape your brand. “Branding” is a term that combines everything related to the company – meaning, values, tone of communication, visual presentation (identity), marketing, copywriting and much more.
To build a brand, one starts from a concept (idea), goes through answers to many questions such as: Who are we? What is our goal? What are our values? Who are our target groups? and other.
After the answers to these questions are clear and the company has stepped on a solid foundation, it follows the construction of a logo and brand identity, which visually recreate the visions and aspirations and.

Content Marketing
SEO Optimization
Get more website traffic, more customers, and more online visibility with powerful SEO services.


Project Introduction
We’re a team of non-cynics who truly care for our work and for each other.
Social Media Marketing
Web Development
Your website has to impress your visitors within just a few seconds. If it runs slow, if it feels outdated.
App Development
Create, publish, and promote engaging content to generate more traffic and build a dedicated community.
PPC Advertising
Target your ideal search phrases and get found at the top of Google’s search results. PPC allows you.
Логото е знак, който служи за разпознаваемост. То е герба на фирмата Ви и често е първото нещо, което някой вижда от нея. То поставя основите за изграждане на цялостна визуална (бранд) идентичност. Доброто лого трябва да бъде подходящо, ясно, семпло и запомнящо се.
PPC Advertising
Target your ideal search phrases and get found at the top of Google’s search results. PPC allows you.
Secondary logo
Sagi Haviv
"A logo is not a sentence, it's the period at the end"
What exactly is a Logo?
A logo is a mark that serves for recognition. It is your company’s logo and is often the first thing someone sees about it. It lays the foundations for building a complete visual (brand) identity. A good logo should be relevant, clear, simple and memorable.

Secondary logo and logo variations
It is not always appropriate or possible to use the basic version of your logo. This is why there are variations that ensure a homogeneous presentation of your brand in all situations.

Colors are a very powerful tool for a brand. Each color has its own meaning and contribution to the non-verbal communication of its principles and goals.

Font / font family
The correct selection of font will contribute to an easier recreation of the desired emotion in the client.

- Illustrations
- Patterns
- Icons
- Images

What is PCC Advertising?
At their core, keywords are one of — if not the most — single important component of a successful SEO campaign. Keywords refer to the words typed into a search box – be it on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. However, there is much more to keywords than just that.
The keywords typed into a search box reveal certain details about customers and how they go about searching for things. Knowing this, it’s important to target keywords that mimic your customer’s minds and search tendencies.

choose your plan
Flexible Pricing Plans
We have experience working with large and small businesses and are ready to
develop a targeted strategy and plan that’s just right for you.

$ 69.99
Monthly Package
- Social Media Marketing
- 2.100 Keywords
- One Way Link Building
- 5 Free Optimization
- 3 Press Releases

$ 79.99
Monthly Package
- Social Media Marketing
- 3.100 Keywords
- One Way Link Building
- 10 Free Optimization
- 5 Press Releases

$ 89.99
Monthly Package
- Social Media Marketing
- 5.100 Keywords
- One Way Link Building
- 15 Free Optimization
- 10 Press Releases

Разпознаваемост и цел
Комбинацията на тези елементи позволява представянето на фирмата Ви да се открои с постоянство на дизайна както при дигитални (публикации за социални мрежи, банери, реклами и други), така и на печатни материали (визитки, брошури, билбордове, канцеларски материали и други). Това развива разпознаваемостта на един бранд. Тя води до изграждане на доверие, а то от своя страна води до лоялни клиенти.
Нашата цел е логата и идентичностите, които създаваме да са нещо повече от просто изображения. Стремим се те да се превърнат в основен инструмент, който да Ви помага и да се развива заедно с Вас.